Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Kids' Veteran's Day Essays

My husband was off work today because of Veteran's Day.  He is employed by the Federal Government, so ergo, holiday for him today.  He put on the teacher hat, and asked if he could assign the kids an essay.  I had a brief moment where I wanted to say "No", not in our schedule for the day.  But these once-in-a-while essays seem important to my husband.  He's done this before, and, okay, I'm all for having my kids write and write and write. 

So he asked Sarah and Jeremy to write an essay on "What is Veteran's Day?" and "Why do we celebrate it?"  Reprinted below are their completed work, exactly as they wrote it:

by Jeremy

Veteran's Day is a holiday where we celebrate those who have given their lives for our country. Although quite a lot of soldiers died in the wars we won the battles that we fought. Many soldiers probably got an award for there deeds of fighting. Through the battles of World War I and World War II there were great losses in soldiers, but our soldiers came through and won. It must have been a terrible fight, but our soldiers kept fighting and resisted. And that is why we have this holiday, Veteran's Day.

by Sarah

Veterans' Day is a federal holiday when we recognize all soldiers who have served in the army. It is a great chance to show our appreciation for men and women who have fought for our country's freedom. War is a dirty business and I don't think it is very pleasant. What is the most amazing thing about soldiers? It is the fact that they sign-up for the army of their own freewill! They aren't drafted by the government, soldiers do it simply out of love for our sweet country and for our liberty.

So there you have it.  I admit that I'm especially proud of Jeremy's.  His writing has come a long way, and Tom and I both thought it was pretty darn good!  And Sarah's......"War is a dirty business"....I mean, come on.....that's just priceless.

Tom posted these on his Facebook page, which tells you how proud he is.  Just putting them out there, in all their unedited glory.  I'm glad he did, and I'm proud to post them here.

P.S.  I admit that I asked Tom if he thought their essays made me look like a good homeschooling Mama.  He said Yes.  Whew.

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