Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let's Try Again

Okay, so apparently I'm not so good at this blogging thing.  I REALLY WANT TO BE.  Don't know why I can't pull this off.

Why am I intimidated by blogging?  Yeah, I guess that's what I feel when I think about sitting down every day and blogging.  Truth be told, I would love to be a writer, a pontificator, a say-er of all things mundane; kind of like that guy on "Northern Exposure."  You remember that show about the smarty-pants doctor that ends up in Alaska for his residency (or something like that)?  Do you remember the radio DJ guy that used to "ramble" over the airwaves about everything and the same time? 

Like, I was in awe of him (his character), his job; I thought, "I'd love to do that!"  I did grow up wanting to be a DJ, and nowadays, I realize I couldn't pull off that kind of DJ-ing.  I'd ramble too much (as my friends can attest to!), my thoughts are too scattered.  And, anyways, as I've grown, as much as I enjoy conversing and speaking about all matters in life, I do much prefer the written word.

But what I've come to learn about myself is that I love the printed word more than I thought I did.  Of course, it goes without saying.....I love books.  Yes, I said it yet again.  I probably can't go a day without thinking that thought.  But I've recently discovered that my amorousness goes beyond books per se.  It is the written word, the expression of thought, the expertly crafted sentence/paragraph/publication.  It is the time, energy, love, blood, sweat, tears that I can tell an author has put into his work; I am left so humbled by that effort.  And I am utterly grateful to be the Dear Reader that gets to inhale the finished product.

Some people are naturally gifted by God with this ability to wow with words; for these lucky ducks, the writing process is like walking or breathing.  For most of us, not so much.  But that doesn't mean we can't creep towards that goal.

It's like I tell Jeremy all the time about art.  You see, Jeremy wants so bad to be good at drawing.  But he's impatient; he wants to be good RIGHT NOW.  He hasn't really been naturally gifted by God with drawing talent, but I keep trying to get him to see it's a process.  It's a training of the brain; like his co-op art teacher has said, it's training yourself to see in a new/different way.  It's the long exercise of getting your hand to draw what the eye and brain see.  AND IT DOES TAKE TIME.  And practice.  And sweat.  And patience.

And so it goes with writing, I think.  I certaily have not been naturally gifted as a writer.  I think I'm decent, but I ramble (have I mentioned that already?)  So I will end now, realizing that I need to take my own advice.  I have been caught in a "Do as I say, not as I do" moment.  With my desire to write/blog more, to create well-crafted sentences/paragraphs, Jeremy could easily say, "But, Mama, you just need to practice.  It takes time.  Like you've always told me.........right?"

"Yes, Jeremy."

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